Complicate - definition. What is Complicate
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

(complicates, complicating, complicated)
To complicate something means to make it more difficult to understand or deal with.
The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces...
To complicate matters further, everybody's vitamin requirements vary...
VERB: V n, V n
I. v. a.
Involve, entangle, make complex, make intricate.
II. a.; (also complicated)
See complex, in both senses.
·adj Folded together, or upon itself, with the fold running lengthwise.
II. Complicate ·adj Composed of two or more parts united; complex; complicated; involved.
III. Complicate ·vt To fold or twist together; to combine intricately; to make complex; to combine or associate so as to make intricate or difficult.
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. It complicates my world.
Burgamy _ Talks at Google
2. and that complicates anything
3. That just complicates everything.
Visual Intelligence _ Amy Herman _ Talks at Google
4. To further complicate matters...
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
5. that really complicate things.
Brain Fuel to Beat the Afternoons Slump _ Will Nitze _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Q: It might complicate the issue if you refer Iran to – PRESIDENT BUSH: Might complicate the issue?
2. Internal GOP divisions will complicate compromise talks.
3. That could complicate Kabul‘s relations with the international community.
4. Recent developments have are also likely to complicate the scenario.
5. Cartilage trouble is also suggested, which could complicate his recovery.